Pastor Heinz | ||
Pastor Rich Heinz was born in Peoria, Illinois, growing up at Christ Lutheran Church & School. A great pastor, wonderful vicars each year, and good Lutheran school teachers all had a big impact on him. They, along with faithful laity, encouraged him to consider ministry, and were God’s instruments in leading him to know by his freshman year of high school that he wanted to be a pastor. ![]() Kristi was raised at Trinity Lutheran Church & School in Centralia, Illinois. She also loved her Lutheran education, especially admiring her first grade teacher, and deciding at an early age to be a Lutheran teacher. They both attended Concordia College—River Forest, Illinois/Concordia University Chicago in the late 1980’s. Kristi was involved with the Kapelle – the touring choir, while Pastor was involved with theatre productions. Since they had different activities and groups of friends, Pastor and Kristi actually didn’t know one another well. It was after he was ordained that a mutual friend reintroduced them. They were married just over a year later, on July 12, 1997. Their son, Ben, was born the next year, all at their first call to Mt. Greenwood Lutheran Church in Chicago. After serving Mt. Greenwood for four years, Pastor accepted a call to St. John’s in Lanesville, Indiana (near Louisville, Kentucky.) There Pastor was a den leader and then Cubmaster for scouts, and Kristi taught, directed children’s music and adult handbells, and was active in the Martha Society. They both were active with Farm Bureau meetings and the local Heritage Festival. While there, he began serving Higher Things – an LCMS Recognized Service Organization that provides resources for youth, building them up in the Scriptures and encouraging their Lutheran identity. Pastor is passionate about this awesome group, and held their national office of Worship Coordinator for 11 years. The following nine years were serving the Lord at St. John’s in Chicago. Kristi again taught, and volunteered extensively at church and school. Pastor was on committees for the District’s regional pastors conference, and would preach occasional chapel services at Concordia. Ben’s education was entirely in Lutheran schools, including Luther North College Prep and Concordia University Chicago, and now Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. At CUC he met the young woman he would marry, Emma Brauckman. Ben is spending this year as Vicar (think student teaching for pastors) for Trinity Lutheran Church in Springfield, Missouri. Emma is now a Deaconess serving Higher Things. They are expecting their first child. Pastor also served Concordia University Chicago in the area of Church Relations for two years, before the Lord called him to Trinity in the summer of 2020. Kristi is creative and is talented with jewelry making, painting with water colors, sewing, home decorating, and more! Pastor enjoys reading, church art and architecture, and loves all things regarding catechesis and liturgy. He also is a proud Hufflepuff-fan of Harry Potter. Pastor and Kristi are fans of theatre and most styles of music. They are Anglophiles, and love afternoon tea, baking, cooking, and hosting others. They also are huge Disney fans, who enjoy traveling and shopping. We are so grateful to have this wonderful family in our church! |